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About Us

About TimeChant 

TimeChant is committed to provide each customer with the highest standard of customer service. We carry watch brands that help to improve the independent life quality of our users.


With continuing efforts on Research and Development, the 5 Senses has designed and introduced a wide range of new generation talking watches that aids people in need for an easier life. Blind or visually impaired people benefit from our Atomic Talking watch which is the first in the world that sets itself. Since the launching of our advanced VHAS (Voice and Hands Are always Synchronized) Talking Watch, the generic talking watch is always able to synchronize voice and hands. The VHAS technology makes use of one battery and a single quartz crystal to control the timekeeping for both the voice and hands. By doing this, the user will always have the same accurate time for both voice and the analog hands. 5 Senses developed the most advanced solar power atomic talking watch to reduce the difficulty of battery replacement for our aids-needed customers. An advanced solar power vibration analog-digital alarm watch has recently been added to the 5 Senses collection in order to aid the deaf customers. All these advanced talking and vibration alarm watches are sub-branded as FIVE SENSES.

About CoolFire 

Coolfire is a young brand collection of Timechant. Fashion and leisure lifestyle reflects its design theme.